Earth Day
2024 Apr 21 爸爸笑話 DAD JOKES🙎🏻♂️
What is Earth Day?
Earth Day is an annual, international event held on 22nd April.
Its aim is to raise awareness for our planet and the environmental challenges it faces.
The first ever Earth Day was held in 1970 and since then it is recognised by more than a billion people around the world.
首個地球日於 1970 年舉行,自那時起,世界各地超過 10 億人都認可這一日。
It is an opportunity for people to show their support for the environment and come together to take action to help protect the Earth. 這一天是人們表達對環境的支持並齊心協力採取行動幫助保護地球的時機。
Aims 課程目標:
- To learn about what Earth Day is and why it is important. 學習什麼是地球日並了解地球日的重要。
- To learn about different ways we can get involved and reduce our use of plastics. 了解我們可以如何用不同方式響應 並減少我們對塑膠的使用。
Jokes about Earth Day 世界地球日相關有趣腦筋急轉彎
- Why did the leaf go to the doctor? 為什麼葉子要去看醫生— It was feeling green. 因為它覺得『綠』:不舒服(在英文裡feel green 有不舒服的意思)
- Why are people always tired on Earth Day? 為什麼大家地球日會覺得很累?— Because they just finished a March. 因為他們剛完成遊行。(雙關語:March有三月或是遊行/行軍的意思)
- How can you tell the ocean is friendly? 你怎麼知道海洋它是友善的?— It waves. 它『揮手』 。(雙關語:wave 揮手/海浪)
- Why is grass so dangerous? 為什麼草很危險?— Because it’s full of blades. 因為都是『刀片』。(雙關語:blades刀片/草葉)
- Why did the sun go to school? 為什麼太陽去上學?— To get brighter.為了更亮。(雙關語:更亮/更聰明) How do you cut a wave in half? 如何把海浪切成兩半?— Use a sea saw. 使用『海』『鋸』(諧音梗:seesaw蹺蹺板/ saw 鋸子)
- What did the tree wear to the pool party? 樹穿什麼去泳池派對?— Swimming trunks.泳褲 (雙關語:trunk樹幹/swimming trunks泳褲)
- What did the ground say to the earthquake? 陸地和地震說什麼?— You crack me up! 你把我弄裂了(雙關語:crack up 破裂/突然哈哈大笑)
- What kind of shorts do clouds wear? 雲穿什麼短褲? — “Thunderwear”! (諧音梗:thunder打雷、underwear內衣褲)
- Why do tornadoes zigzag? 為什麼龍捲風曲折前進?— They’re dizzy. 他們很暈。
- Why did the woman go outdoors with her purse open? — Because she expected some change in the weather.
- What’s the difference between weather and climate? — You can’t weather a tree, but you can climate.
- What kind of plant grow on your hand? — Palm tree.
- What happens when it rains cats and dogs? — You have to been careful not to step in a poodle.
- What is a tree’s least favorite month? — Sep-timber! What’s the biggest moth in the world? — A mammoth!
- What did the little tree say to the big tree? — Leaf me alone!
上面的英文腦筋急轉彎你猜對了嗎? 上課時我們也將加入像這樣的有趣問答在遊戲中,讓你邊玩邊學、邊學邊玩唷!